Tänä syksynä on ilo aloittaa koulutustoiminta Mommy&Me:ssä. Tilamme ovat palvelleet kohta kahden vuoden ajan erilaisten kurssien ja kokoontumisten paikkana ja nyt myös pienryhmätoimintaan erikoistuneiden koulutusten pitopaikkana.

PEACE CORNER- workshop for parents&teachers

(event will be held in English)

We will talk about why it is important to create peace in our own and our child’s life. We will experience some simple techniques how to be more peaceful parent/care giver and more calm rolemodel for our children. We will also explore ”peace corner” and how to create a peaceful corner in your home, where your child can have some quiet time and relax. We will also have a moment to exchange thoughts on the evening’s topic with cup of hot tea!

After this evening you can’t wait to get home to build one for your home! =)

Please email to info@funterapia.com

Mommy&Me Family Centre, Kulosaaren puistotie 42.

Workshop will be run by Family Therapist Carita Viklund www.funterapia.com

”Thank you again for a wonderful evening, I have come with away feeling refreshed and full of ideas how I can incorporate moments of peace within the day at school and at home, with children and alone.” Kelly Bagshaw, mother and early childhood educator

COST: 39 euros +gst 24% p.p. (cash or invoice)